Friday, December 3, 2010

Hell's Rising

Many, if not all, my friends and family recently received my pleas for assistance in the form of a facebook message. As if their newsfeed didn't bug them enough with constant updates of their friends' banal thoughts, here's one with the gull to ask for money.  It took a lot for me to reach the point of having to ask my friends for help like this, even if it was asking for a couple of bucks.  I'm not the only one coveting much-needed dollars.  I know my friends want to see me go because they know how much my heart is set on it. But even with the money I have now, and with what I hope to raise with up-coming benefit concerts I'm holding, I'm so scared this isn't going to happen.

It isn't just so much the passion behind the cause that is driving me to go - it's being absolutely wrung out from living in the same place for so long.  My wanderlust hasn't been fulfilled yet, and it's clouding my ability to see myself thriving in the future; I mean, since I'm not going to be a student at the University of Pittsburgh for the rest of my life (god, I hope not), then where will I be?  My feet are caught in gritty, sticky trap while the rest of my entire body is lunging forward.  This situation might be worse than being a senior in high school making the college transition - even if you don't know what will happen when you get there, you can at least expect a couple more years of education.  With this kind of uncertainty, I don't know where I'll end up, let alone what will happen when I get there.

At my high school graduation, a good friend, notorious for his pranks on substitute teachers and students alike, gave me the only advice he knew before I went off to college: Raise hell.  I'd like to say that I have done just that over the years, examples seen in the various odd trees and buildings I've climbed and impromptu dance moves I've busted out in public spaces.  But really, I've remained relatively unobtrusive.

So please allow me to invade your homes, your garages, your children's bedrooms, etc to do anything you need: household chores, organizing work space, shoveling driveways (hopefully this will be an option soon!), giving you the night off by watching your kids, you name it.  After December 17, I will have nothing ahead of me but this mind-numbing worry about raising money, so lay the jobs on me.  Leave a comment below or shoot me an email.  Also, if your bleeding heart punctures more so after reading this lamentable post, check out my website,, to donate.  Any amount will help me breathe easier.

Pass this message out to your friends, too! I'm an equal opportunity company. ;-)